Sparkling Sparbrook Success

The Sparkling Sparkbrook event was a huge success with over 50+ volunteers supporting the initiative. Ranging from students, third-sector staff, local businesses, faith based organisations & Birmingham City Council, even the Assistant Chief Executive of Birmingham City Council lent a hand in supporting the underrepresented community. All volunteers had key roles in supporting the Sparkling Sparkbrook initiative varying from litter picking, painting, raising awareness and cleaning up various tipping areas.

From the Camp Hill island, along Stratford Road through to Ladypool Road junction, an army of volunteers helped clean and revive the main area of Sparkbrook. With resources provided by Birmingham City Council, the Sparkling Army were equipped with litter pickers, bin bags, shovels and sweepers to eradicate the streets of rubbish, fly tipping and restore a little back by planting flowerbeds, painting and re-potting planters.

Sparkbrook KIKIT
Before & After: Tipping area under Erasmus Rd Billboard.

This initiative has been a great success and is now hoping to move across Sparkbrook. Targeting other rubbish filled areas and also creating awareness amongst local businesses and residents to take pride in our communities and help support Sparkling Sparkbrook.

“What we wanted to do today was empower local people to come out and make a difference. The people of Sparkbrook are really passionate about their community and we want to work with the City Council to improve the area.” – Mohammed Ashfaq (Director of KIKIT Pathways to Recovery CIC)

“It’s so inspiring to see the teamwork between council officers and people from the community. Everyone clearly believes in what is happening here.” – Piali DasGupta (Assistant Chief Executive of Birmingham City Council)

“It’s really important for us to be working in partnership. We, the residents, want the same thing the city wants. We want to improve the lives of local people, improve our area and inspire people.” – Abdullah Rehman (Manager of Balsall Heath Forum)

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